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Integrative Somatic Expressive Arts for Trauma and Trafficking Training Program

For several years, Dark Bali has offered training in trauma informed caregiving to case managers, counselors, and NGO staff across our network. While these trainings have been very helpful, they left many feeling like they understood the principles of the impact of trauma but were unsure about how to incorporate this knowledge in their work with survivors of trafficking. Recently, we connected with Lotus Circle International who has piloted a fantastic program that addresses this very issue through their 18 month program using a curriculum adapted for grassroots organizations in places with little access to training on trauma therapy modalities. We are excited to begin fundraising for this project that will train 30 – 40 practitioners from organizations across our network.

The “Integrative Somatic Expressive Arts for Trauma and Trafficking®” training is
a Certificate Program designed and offered by Lotus Circle International and
proposed for Dark Bali organization and their beneficiaries. This training program
is designed to be a key component for the Dark Bali programs by providing their beneficiaries (NGO staff serving survivors) with a clinically effective, psycho-physiologically based mental health approach to trauma-informed care in Indonesia.

Would you consider giving a partial or full scholarship so we can get this vital training to counselors and case managers across the country?

$250 will cover lodging and food for one of our network’s counselors for the first module in September 2024.

$1000 will cover accommodations and training materials for all three of their training modules.

To give with a credit card or through direct deposit:

To give with a check:

Make gifts payable to Dark Bali and mail to:

PO Box 340835
Tampa, FL 33694

Please indicate on a note your preference for the gift to be used for the Law Enforcement Training Project

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